The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
Psalms 37:23 KJV
The Men’s Ministry monthly breakfast in March was a big success.
The men turned out for fellowship and a great breakfast prepared by Jay, Jimmy, and James. This monthly gathering allows the men of our church to get to know each other on a personal basis and grow together in unity for our church. The men discussed the second coming of Christ likened to a lightning strike. Good food and conversation fueled the men’s spirits as the comradery left everyone knowing just a little more about each other and their spiritual experiences.

Wrapping up at the end of the work bee we joined with our sisters, Women’s Ministry, to reflect upon the work completed.
We had come together, bonded, completed some much-needed work, helped serve our community, and gotten a great workout.
Moses closed with prayer praising God and the opportunity to serve.

Everyone left with a bag of Gatorades to rejuvenate the body and sense of accomplishment to satisfy the soul.
It was a Good Day.
Under the leadership of Jay, Men’s Ministry is running strong. Don’t miss out on the action and comradery.
Contact Jay Douglas to make sure you are on the team.