Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Mark 10:14 KJV
The reviews are in and Vacation Bible School (VBS) was a huge success claim the children of the church. The VBS program under the leadership of our Children’s Ministry Leader, Eliza Baysah, pulled a team of helpers together to create a lifetime memorable experience for the children of the church. They decorated, advertised, and talked it up. Before you knew it, over 50 children were signed up for a fun packed week of crafts, stories, songs, and games.
The children followed the story of Ruth and Naomi’s journey from Moab to Bethlehem. Along the way, they learned how God always keeps his promises.
Singing was a big hit with the children giving them a chance to move around and stretch their lungs.

The staff led out with the songs backed up by the music and videos. It really pumped up the children and got them excited about each day’s activities and being together.
During this time the children also learned their daily memory verse and then it was off to enjoy the activities prepared for them.
The VBS program divided the children into four groups with multiple activity stations for them to visit each day.
First stop the Prayer Station.
At the Prayer Station children met Yeshua in a temple tent who taught them the power of prayer.
Children connected with God through different prayer activities showing them how much Jesus loves them.

At the Cabana Shop the children expressed their creative side.
Making toad puppets, gazelle masks, moving camels, and pom-pom hedge hogs, they learned a different craft each day. The children went all out with each of them demonstrating their own unique creativity.
VBS introduced a different animal each day as part of the overall story and the kids brought that animal to life during their time at the Cabana Shop.
If you are going to the sand pit it means only one thing, it’s Game Time.
Challenging their agility while burning off some of that energy, the staff set up games each day for the children to play. Limbo, bean bag toss, egg/spoon relay, duck-duck-goose, and loads of bubbles were just some of the outdoor activities for the children to run and play with each other.
With each activity the children learned team work, competition, and the spirit of just having fun together win or lose.

At the Bible Story Station the story of Ruth and Naomi’s Journey and the strength of women in the Bible was revealed to the children.
As Ruth and Naomi traveled from Moab to Bethlehem, the children joined them each day in the towns and villages as the women journeyed together.
With the backdrop of the town, animals, plants, and trees the story came to life before the children to leave a lasting impression.
Finally, it was time to go home but not without stopping at the snack café.
After all that running around, jumping up and down, and different activities our VBS kids had worked up a big appetite and the snack café had just the right solution.
There was just enough time left to grab a goody bag filled with more fun and snacks for the trip home that day.
On our final day one of our staff members overheard two of the children talking about how they could not wait for VBS next year.
The memories made this week will remain with these children for the rest of their lives and someday they will bring those memories back to life when they are the leaders at some future VBS.

Under Eliza’s leadership and with the help of her staff, the VBS was an event that was exciting and filled with plenty of fun Christian based activities for the children to enjoy while learning more about Jesus.
With Eliza at the helm of the Children’s Ministry our children are certain to enjoy a loving and personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Please contact Eliza Baysah if you have any questions about the Children’s Ministry.